From customer email address rule
in progress
Scott Kay
Be able to set up a rule where you can assign a rule to a email address from the sales channel not just the customers email address for example
Herman Nefedov
in progress
Richard Brown
Herman Nefedov
You are correct; this rule creation targets the "To" field allowing special handling of aliases.
(eg. forwarding of billing@replyco -> accounting@replyco & forwarding of invoices+uk@crm -> accounting@replyco)
There may be two different rules associated with these that are different from the rules associated with the mailbox.
Herman Nefedov
Hello there Scott Kay Richard Brown jonathan webb,
We are currently considering this to be implemented.
However, we are not sure what exactly is needed here? Our current rules system allows users to create rules that affect tickets based either on a customer's email address (e.g. to affect all tickets that have a certain phrase in sender's email address, like "no-reply"), or to affect tickets that belong to a whole sales channel (e.g. to affect all tickets related to a certain eBay store).
Please check the screenshot attached.
Perhaps we are talking about rules that would affect the "To:" field?
For example, you have one mailbox and one alias for it ( as mailbox and as its alias), and you would like to affect tickets sent to only. In this case, we need to affect only tickets that have "To:" in the email's meta-data.
Otherwise, kindly clarify a bit more what functionality we are talking about.
Herman Nefedov
Richard Brown
Glad I searched for this before creating a separate request. This can be very helpful in cases where multiple email addresses are consolidated into a single inbox or subaddressing is used.
single box; multiple address
single inbox; subaddresses for distinct channels
Hoping that this can be revived and assessed for implementation.
jonathan webb
Richard Brown: I agree! This would help my day-to-day operations also! How soon can ReplyCo implement this feature?